Zeke made a Doomsday escape plan and it was pretty lousy.

Director’s Statement

December 2016. Trump had just been elected and it was Christmas party season in Los Angeles! High anxiety was in the breezy desert air. As I caught up with friends and acquaintances over eggnog and bourbon, the conversation kept turning to Apocalypse escape plans. What will we do? How will we get out of LA? Where will we meet? Whose car will we take? The more I had the conversation, the more outlandish the plan I would suggest. This was the seed of the idea for Ride or Die – a super awkward social situation which was a reasonable inevitability given drunken Christmas party hypotheticals. The film stars me and four of my great friends, so while that may not resonate with all audiences, it made the making of the film very personal to us. The LA characters are typically chill and aimless. This was key to finding a dramatic counterpoint between an extremely dramatic moment that we could all imagine in our near future, and we the people incapable of dealing with it. I keep trying to make dramas and people keep thinking they’re comedies. If anyone can give me some pointers, I’m open to expanding my horizons as a writer/director.