With big creative producers that have brought shows and films like ‘Stranger Things‘ and ‘Arrival‘ involved, KIN certainly aspires for an intriguing and twisting storyline.
While scavenging for copper wire, Detroit teenager Eli Solinski stumbles upon a high-tech gun that holds special powers. When his brother, Jimmy, lands in trouble with a local crime boss, the two siblings take the mysterious weapon and go on the run. Eli and Jimmy now find themselves in a life-and-death battle against an army of thugs and two heavily armored, futuristic soldiers who want their gun back.
But what seems like an elaborate genre-intertwining story, started off quite short with the brother-director duo Josh & Jonathan Baker’s short film: Bag Man. Seemingly very different in tone, Bag Man slightly introduces the story through a 12 year old boy’s journey. From the urban hustle of Harlem, into the winter-ravaged woodlands a world away. With a large mysterious reveal at the end.

With critic reviews of KIN being a little mixed, the fans are starting to step in with some great things to say. KIN is now out in theaters, watch the trailer, watch the short, and then go check out the film to support these short ideas making it big!