Premiere Your Short Film on

Do you have any upcoming short film projects in the works? We want to help you with the premiere release of your short film!

Due to our numerous submissions, we already have numerous films lined up to be featured, the waiting time from submission to feature can go up to 12 weeks. If your film has been out for a while, that’s not such a long wait, but if you just released your film, the wait could be excruciating.

This is why we would like to give you a head start, send us the details to the project your working on (in production or in post), along with a trailer or screenshots from the footage (even though its not final), with an estimated projection date for the release. From here we will review your submission, and follow up with you if it convinces us to do so. We will work on a release date together. Being premiered on Film Shortage rather than dumping your film online will help your chances of getting noticed by other short film sites such as Short of the Week or even the Vimeo Staff Picks.

Send us your film description through our submission form and choose “yes” for online premiere. Make sure to put the link to your trailer, if you don’t have a trailer yet you can send us screenshots at

We are looking forward to seeing your film and hope it leads to a successful online premiere!