Exploring iconic moments in film and television history, blurring the lines between our reality and some of our favourite stories.

Remember Mischa Rozema? The wonderful cinematic genius who brought us Sundays, winner of best short in 2015 and best trailer in 2014, well he’s back along with production company Post Panic to bring us a branded film celebrating the power of storytelling, commissioned by Nuna9 on behalf of Liberty Global. Filmed in Paris, the piece explores iconic moments in film and television history, blurring the lines between our reality and some of our favourite stories.

We decided we wanted to create an ode to story telling from the start. Storytelling is something I’m very passionate about so this immediately became a very personal project for me. I’m a firm believer in the power of stories. They define who you are as a person. They can teach, warn, change your view and let you experience your full emotional scale in ways reality rarely can. More over, we actually all end up being a story ourselves. Life would be very boring without them.

With all the creative freedom we were granted, I wanted to create a genuine cinematic and emotional experience. I looked to actively engage the viewer with contemporary visual stories, which are imbedded in our collective psyches. 

A Report of Connected Events brings an incredible sense of nostalgia through cinematic pop culture, recreating some of the most memorable scenes in film and television history in new and bizarre settings. Much like Sundays, the film heavily relies on the environment to tell parts of the story.

I’m a huge architecture geek so I always have a good collection of environments I look to use for future projects. These particular locations in Paris have been on my radar for a long time and finally I found a story that would fit them perfectly. The environments were written as lead characters, with the human characters often just being visitors. In this way, these were the perfect theatres for our stories to come to life.

I also chose Paris to disorientate the viewer. Most of the depicted films/tv series are anglo-american by origin, I looked to create a different vibe. We even added lots of reference to asian TV and cinema throughout the city to accomplish that. We are transported to a world in one city. An alternate reality. A place where stories can come to life.