Set in a dystopian desert landscape, a robot family, through the test of tragedy, discovers a dark secret hidden behind the doctrine of a preacher.
With all this technical and CG advancements, we sometimes forget how refreshing natural techniques can be. Battery Life is a stop motion short film that tells a story of determination, self-sacrifice, and deceit. Set in a dystopian desert landscape, a robot family, through the test of tragedy, discovers a dark secret hidden behind the doctrine of a preacher. Born from an idea by Justin Nixon about 4 years ago while was helping a friend with his stop motion film, Fade. He met some people interested in pursuing it and they ran with it.
We did the film on 5000 dollars stretched out over 3 years of production. The goal was to have a solid portfolio piece to show what we as a team and individuals are capable of. A film to be proud of consisting of themes we felt strongly about.
One of the most challenging things in stop-motion films is creating the environments, and in ‘Battery Life’ the setting was as lively as it could of been. With incredibly smooth animatronics and memorable characters, it sets the base for an heartfelt storyline that hooks you through its high and instinctive emotions.