Dan is handsome, charming and has a great job… Unfortunately, he’s also Cassie’s therapist.

Perfectly Normal is a perfectly crazy film, with a touch of fun, up beat and somewhat dreamy conjunction! What we love about the film is that as crazy as Cassie might sound, we can all secretly relate to her, or at least to some level (we’ve all had those walking on a cloud moments).

Director Jim McMahon did a wonderful job at depicting the little glorious dreamy moments in Cassie’s experience (Jennifer Restivo), with her psychiatrist Dan (Andrew Pastides), and in hand turning the rather nutsy storyline into a burst of unexpected fun!

Once I entered my thirties, I noticed people were getting less picky about their dating requirements. The drive to settle-down seemed like it could be resulting in a “willingness to settle,” and actions that used to be deal-breakers were now “no big deal.” I found myself obsessed with one question: how much “crazy” could one overlook if it meant finally finding true love?

In response to this question, I made “Perfectly Normal.” Two people – one therapist and one patient – both with their own hang-ups and draw-backs, drawn together by a universal desire to find the perfect partner. At the end of the day, the film is not an answer so much as a question for the audience: when it comes to bad behavior, how much is too much?

The movie just flows so well that we get surprised with the end credits when they arrive. At the end, we just all wish for more, but in a classic anti-Hollywood way, it leaves our imaginations to work for the next adventure.
