An underwater rescue mission on a remote planet centered around two co-workers in heavy submersible suits takes shortly an unplanned course.
Pavel Siska brings us on an incredible journey on his debut short film ‘Saurora’. Driven by unfamiliar territory, an underwater rescue mission on a remote planet centered around two co-workers in heavy submersible suits takes shortly an unplanned course.
It’s my debut short film I’ve been working on only by myself for two years with zero budget. Sci-fi always represented to me a doorway to the world of imagination and I wanted to recreate that feeling of mystery, wonder and uknown territories. Those were the movies which brought me behind the camera in the first place. I was also using tools like Blender, Ubuntu, both of them are free and open-source, and Nuke NC which is also available for free, to remind us of technological possibilities we’re so lucky to have today.
Pavel creates an incredible submerged experience, while removing focus from the bigger picture, we are funnelled through a single moment of an intense rescue mission on an estranged planet. The bone-chilling suspense stirs us from beginning to end, where the cinematic tools and techniques such as camera movements and editing are expertly brought in to place to keep us on the edge.