The once beautiful and lively capital of Sweden has turned into a forbidding and abandoned city. A group of soldiers fly in to investigate an old surveillance tower that just went offline.

Welcome to State Zero. Stockholm 2030. The once beautiful and lively capital of Sweden has turned into a forbidding and abandoned city. A group of soldiers fly in to investigate an old surveillance tower that just went offline. But when their boots hit the ground, the routine mis- sion turns into sheer terror.

Andrée Wallin is an internationally renowned visual concept artist which is currently working on Star Wars: The Force Awakens. State Zero is his first short film and he takes us into a post-apocalyptic world within a fresh new setting for the genre; Vampires and Sweden.

A native of Sweden he was also compelled to find a new setting for his post-apocalyptic world and chose Stockholm which provided a fresh location for a well-established movie genre. State-Zero takes place in a near future around the year 2030 a few years after a major world-changing event that has left large parts of the world uninhabitable due to large scores of vampires. These factors provide the basic foundation for the environments, technology and production design of the movie.

When we hear ‘apocalypse’ we often or almost always think of a Zombie apocalypse these days. But André decided to mix up his passions and intertwine genres while adding his own significant touches to the already generally perceived genres and monsters.

While working as a concept artist on Star Wars, Andrée Wallin felt the desire to create a story of his own while also having the creative freedom to do his own take on some of his favorite subjects: science-fiction, vampires and a post-apocalyptic world. Andrée also felt inspired to do a different rendition of vampires than the one most present in today’s mainstream culture like True blood or Twilight, one with more animal-like traits, playing with the idea of humans turned beasts bearing traces of their former self.